Love Astrology


Astrology in love matters could be very instrumental in guiding the lovelorn couples, extending emotional wisdom and saving them from all so unnecessary heartbreaks and psychological turmoil, if only we could see the bigger picture through astro techniques.

The compatibility factor along with success rate, its extent along with its probability can always be calculated, understood and estimated while analyzing the birth charts of the individuals involved. The astrological revelations can open the door for plethora of insights and understanding between couples and can infuse a renewed spirit to work on and through their relationship

Why consider Love Astrology?

After the basic essentials of life, the soul craves for being loved, and henceforth a series of conflicts follows along with the inquisitiveness about how to go about it, love astrology at this juncture could become very handy while identifying or pursuing the love of one’s life. Youngsters today are so confused and messed up and in dire need of saving their grace and energy instead of lurking around in hopeless affairs and that is where this superior science can help them realize their true instinctive call, a very useful tool to identify, locate and finally merge with their soul mate and live happily ever after.

How Love Astrology Works?

Since marriage, the obvious eventuality of love is a very important decision of life, for it involving too many emotional, financial and familial investments and inputs, need to be treaded with great caution and finesse.

With the help of astrology one can make out the most suitable or more probable time of love or its possible consummation to marriage, it can also explain the entirety of the whole affair and the union as a summary, its orientation, culmination and transformation. To add to the bargain, the suitability, feasibility and exactness of the person of one’s choice could get explained as well. Also, if at all there is some love path sorted in one’s life pattern, as sometimes the intended search happens to be futile or perhaps in need of being rephrased or redirected; an astrologer can always identify the good or bad phases regarding love designs, the best time for pursuance and whom of the lot to be followed or trusted.

Help through Love Astrology

The forecast can also warn of impending and inevitable heartbreaks and setbacks so as to prepare the individual against all odds. The analysis of couple’s birth charts can also reveal their bone of contentions, areas of conflict and discord in order to sort them out by working on benevolent and common factors between. Besides, there is no dearth of remedial measures in the said domain of astrology. Not only the problem can be located, it can be sorted and resolved too. Solution in the form of counseling, chants, prayers and yantras can work wonders to alleviate the problems and the associated differences.

Terms and Techniques of Love Astrology

Venus happens to be a very decisive factor in matters of heart, has to be pure, without any afflictions and comfortably placed, to be having smooth and lucid love life. Its sheer positioning can restrict the affair just till the physicals attract, while sky is the limit for love to soar if it has passes and approval from the lords of the game. The scores are mostly decided by 5th, 7th and 9th houses, along with the strength and positioning of Venus, Moon and Mars, their favorable position determines the longevity, perseverance and success of the said love relationship. The great facilitation of this science also has a set of remedial measures if the urge to fight for love is strong,

Relevance and Significance of Love Astrology

All for love and love for all, when it comes to love, the heart has to have its way somehow and the mind needs to know the matters of heart, and astrology thus explains it all. Just a little understanding and compassion, facilitated by the objective and exact astrological view can bring out the best possible form of a relationship.

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