Vedic Astrology: Manglik Dosha – How does Manglik Dosha creates


What is Manglik Dosha?

Manglik dosha is a specific astrological permutation where the planet Mars placed in certain positions, is not convenient in several ways as it is said to be attributing malefic effects to the native in a few dispositions. The fierceness and rage associated with Mars seems to getting too hot to handle, for relationships, marriages, and conflicts associated with spouses, adding fuel to the fire, thus exaggerating and exasperating the war. The modern generation often sidelining and bypassing are often seen getting embroiled in marital feuds over little disputes, leading to divorce and separation, mentally agonizing the couple which they could have avoided with a little counseling before or after the marriage.


Placement of Mars in Manglik Dosha

In the astrological language, if the positioning of planet Mars is in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house in the ascendant chart according to Vedic astrology, the person born under such placement can be tagged and termed as a Manglik. It is imperative to investigate the Manglic dosh and also to ascertain and calculate the very extent of it in an impending marriage by proper consultation and evaluation. Mars being a fiery planet plays a crucial role in a marriage can singe the relation to ashes if left uncontrolled, sometimes can even be life threatening to one of the partners apart from several other damages. Due care is recommended and several remedies are prescribed to cool off or alleviate the malefic effects of the planets.

Placements that’s Nullifies Mangliak Dosha

There are some astrological conditions which nullifies or soothes the effects of this dosha, like for instance, a weak Mars is already disabled to some extent to cause havoc, retrograde Mars too seems disinterested to burn around and also some associations of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn cancels the effects of Mangal dosha. Also a manglic born on a Tuesday is said to free from its ill effects despite malefic placements.

Apart from these conditions, certain condition have no effect if Mars is placed in some specific arrangements, like there is no Manglik dosha for Aquarius and Leo signs and lagnas, if the Mars in 2nd house in the signs of Gemini and Virgo is left complacent, also in 4th house in the signs of Aries and Scorpio, in 7th house in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, in the 8th house in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces and finally Mars in the 12th house in the signs of Taurus and Libra are left without any ill effects of Manglik dosha almost completely.

Remedies for Manglik Dosh

Marriage between too strong natives is an obvious solution as the effects cancel or neutralize each other, often recommended to get the two mangliks married though is way out but not a complete remedy unless their complete astrological compatibility is calculated and evaluated as there are other planets too affecting the relationship.
Performing ‘kumbh vivah’ too is a solution where in the manglik is married to a tree or an idol to resolve the ill effects by surrendering to God.
There are other remedial measures too in the form of charities, mantra, gemstones and certain yagnas and prayers. Often recommended is visitations to navgraha temples and Hanuman temples for blessings, some specific fasting to somber the Mars and recitation of ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ too can help the native.

Manglik Dosha General Considerations

Very crucial is to get the charts evaluated by a competent astrologer so that its extent is calculated with proper remedies performed, and if not recommended against the alliance just to avoid any severe misfortunes. The mangliks are to be counseled towards effective channeling of their excess energy in constructive pursuits. Therefore with proper guidance and management, manglik dosha and its effects can easily be sailed through.

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