Chinese astrology

What is Chinese astrology?

The concept of Chinese astrology is extracted from traditional calendars and astronomy. Chinese astrology is also having a great bonding with the concept of three harmonies which are earth, water and heaven. The principles related to yang and yin and the concepts like wu xing, lunisolor calendar etc. which one cannot even find in concepts of Western astrology are used by Chinese astrology. The elaboration of Chinese astrology was occurred at the time of Zhou dynasty but was flourished at the time of Han dynasty. There are five classical planets associated with concept of Wu xing used in Chinese astrology. These planets are:






Chinese astrology believes that luck of any person completely depends on the position these planets having along with positions of Moon, Sun and comets at the time of person’s birth. Chinese astrology is used by a great number of people for getting information regarding their fortune.

Benefits of Chinese astrology

One can provide a right direction to his life by Chinese astrology by moving and changing energies according to the concept of Wu xing where xing stands for five changes. One can feel some magnificent changes in his life by balancing these five elements and yin-yang. This is must as according to Chinese astrology as a specific direction as well as season is linked with each element.

Working of Chinese astrology

Chinese calendar related to Chinese astrology shows two individual cycles where one is representing 10 heavenly stems, five elements in the form of yin-yang and other is representing twelve animals of Zodiac signs which are Pig, Dog, Rooster, Monkey, Goat, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger, Ox and Rat. Twelve different personalities can be represented by these animals.
You are ambitious, courageous, and enterprising but proud and haughty. You are interested in political activities and social work. Success may come to you through pioneer work and you may work in defense sector. You are interested in practical arts and may join government service where and win favors from the influential people. You are generous, critical and impulsive but courteous.


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